Hello and Welcome!

Whatever has taken you to this page, I am guessing the driving force behind it is because you want to feel better than you do now.   Maybe there's just one aspect of life that is bothering you right now or perhaps you want your whole life to be different.  Maybe you know what needs to happen so your life can change, but you are afraid to make those changes.  Maybe you just feel lost or have lost someone dear to you.

As an experienced therapist, I know that people come to the therapy for a variety of reasons and to me, everyone's story is unique and important.  For that reason, I use a variety of therapeutic techniques and theories based on individual needs and experiences. 

However, I seek to offer each person a calm, welcoming and useful psychological space to explore how life can be better and to work alongside each client as they make those changes.  

I believe that although you cannot change what happened in the past, it is possible to change the relationship you have with your past; and by doing this; your future can be brighter.   Your past builds your identity, but it does not need to keep you afraid and cut-off from a more positive future.

If you already know what needs to change so that you can start to feel better, but perhaps you are afraid to take those first steps, in my role I can provide professional support to help you build those inner personal resources you have in order to move forward, even if you feel as if you are  'running on empty' right now or you don't know you have resources.

If you have lost someone, even if not through death, I believe it's right to have a time to mourn and grieve in a way that does not pressure you to behave in a certain way and be "over it", just because a certain time has elapsed.  If loss or impending loss is what is troubling you today,
I offer you a space to heal from that loss, first by acknowledging as adults together, what that loss means to you personally, whatever your feelings are and irrespective of what other people's feelings are regarding that loss.

'Just Want Things to Work Out Okay'

Therapy is not about telling you what to do, even if right now, that is what you think you need most.  In my experience, when people think they want people to decide things for them in terms of psychological well-being, this can come from a place of buried unhappiness and vulnerability.  At times of stress and difficulty, I think perhaps what people are really searching for is a sense that ‘Things will work out okay’.  It is quite natural to want this and is not a weakness.  It takes great courage to recognise our sense of anxiety and low mood. 

It can take even more courage to acknowledge that perhaps your unhappiness has been going on for some time and you may have been living your life behind of mask of appearing to 'get on with things', yet growing more disillusioned and depressed each day.

While I won’t tell you what to do, I can work with you in a neutral setting to talk through options and  explore coping strategies ; a place to look at things from an unbiased perspective and in different ways.  As an adult, you retain the power to choose what option works best for you, but you have an opportunity to discuss things in an environment which is free from personal agenda and pressure.

Psychotherapy and counselling cannot offer guarantees and you have to be ready to play your part in changing your life, but by engaging in therapy and being reflective of the need to change, you are taking responsibility to live your life less passively, you have given yourself an opportunity to grow stronger and be more confident, whatever your starting point. 

I offer therapy face-to-face by Zoom and by telephone.   I hope to hear from you.

To contact me: please call 0742 560 7707 and leave a message or email me at lutoncounselling@gmail.com

 2024 All Rights Reserved


I am an Accredited Member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) 

My BACP Registration Number
is 47562.

I am a Senior Accredited
Registrant (SNCPS Acc.)
of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society.